A Better View

When my sister was in elementary school, she started always sitting in the front row of desks at school. One of her teachers noticed this habit and arranged a meeting with my parents. This caring teacher told my parents that she thought my sister needed glasses. When my sister visited an optometrist, this professional diagnosed her with a severe case of astigmatism. He also informed my parents that she was nearsighted as well. Due to her eye issues, my sister had to start wearing glasses all of the time. Her new glasses helped her tremendously in school. She no longer had to sit in the front of the classroom in order to view the notes placed on the board. On this blog, you will discover the importance of getting your kids’ eyes checked by an optometrist before enrolling them in school.

What Are The Three Methods To Treat Glaucoma?


If you've been diagnosed with glaucoma, or fear you might have the condition, then it is helpful to understand the treatments. Glaucoma will often lead to blindness. This is because the condition causes an increase in fluid pressure in the eye. This damages the nerve endings. In fact, glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness in the United States.  The condition cannot be cured, only treated. Here are the main methods used to treat the problem.

Eye Drops

These contain medicine that looks to reduce the amount of fluid in the eye. This is achieved either by decreasing the amount of fluid produced, or by increasing the rate at which it leaves the eye. The two main drugs used are Prostaglandins and Beta Blockers.

Prostaglandins are designed to help the fluid leave the eye. Beta Blockers are designed to lower the production of fluid. It should be noted that some people are advised to avoid Beta Blockers, namely those individuals with lung or heart conditions.

The optometrist, like those at North Central Eye Associates Inc, will decide which method is best for your case. It is important to use the eye drops exactly as indicated. If you overuse the drops you can do damage to your eye.


If the eye drops don't succeed in lowering the fluid pressure, then pills are the next step. One popular medicine that is used is called carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. These pills work by reducing the amount of fluid that is created by the eye. There are other medications that work by increasing fluid flow. Finally, your doctor might prescribe a pill that serves a dual purpose: decrease fluid production and increase fluid flow.


If eye drops and pills don't work, then the final step is surgery. There are three main types of surgery. They are all aimed at increasing fluid flow out of the eye. None of them attempt to stop fluid production.

The first, and most simple surgery, is done with lasers. Lasers are used to try and open up the clogged drainage pathways. This procedure is known as a trabeculoplasty.

The second procedure is more invasive. It is called  Filtration surgery. This is performed on patients who have had little success with laser surgery. The filtering surgery involves removing a piece of the eye. This creates a new drainage pathway. The hope is that this new pathway will be more successful at allowing fluid to escape.

Finally, there are implants. This surgery involves implanting small drainage pipes that are used to allow the fluid to flow out of the eye.


28 April 2015